
A Land and People: the Unparalleled Features of Baitul Maqdis

Despite its revelation in Arabia, the unwavering support, resilience, and equilibrium essential for bearing the weight and strain of Islām are found in Palestine. As such, Palestine stands as Islam’s steadfast pedestal, its resilient pillar, and its load-bearing capital.

Resisting Genocide: Gaza’s Indomitable Choice

Al-Shifa reminds that Gaza is not fighting a genocidal enemy in spite of its survival, but for its survival. Al-Shifa reminds that dropping one’s arms in the face of genocide does not expedite its end but fashions grounds for the more leisurely genocide Israel is looking for… Israel would rather carry out the genocide without…

The Prison of Freedom and the Liberation of Responsibility

When man accepts his limitations, woman accepts her limitations. But when man gives himself delusions of grandeur, women follow suit. When man submits to God, woman accept the limited designated authority of her humble father and humble husband over her, when man rebels against God, woman rebels against her husband.


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